Friday, February 21, 2014

Inspiration and thanks

Happy Friday ya'll This has been a very challenging week here at my house. There's a lot going on and the craziness of it all took its toll and now I'm sick. Booo Hooo. I was going to write about class last night and fear but I found this video on Facebook and I couldn't not share it with you. THIS is what it's all about. This man is an inspiration. He is the poster boy for believing in yourself and NEVER giving up. Don't listen to the negative voices whether they are in your head or being told to you by "professionals." I struggle with a lot of different things in my yoga, I feel like I'm too fat, I get frustrated, I fall, I lose my balance, and a whole list of other things. I'm not there yet, but that's ok, I'm where I am supposed to be. Seriously! There's been a lot of new people in my yoga classes, I've caught myself telling them "if I can do this anyone can." When I was watching this video I thought to myself, "who am I to complain about anything?" Oh poor me, my shoulder hurts, oh poor me, I can't get my leg on my thigh for tree pose, oh poor me my post baby belly gets in the way, oh poor me, oh poor me. WHO CARES!?!?!? This man couldn't walk unassisted and look how far he came. If HE can do it, anyone can. That brings me to my next point, all it takes is one instructor to believe in you. I am so unbelievably blessed. I have THE MOST amazing instructors ever. In the few short months I've been practicing they've taught me some of the most valuable lessons. I've learned to be content, I've learned to let go of fear and judgement, I've learned to trust not only others but myself, I've learned to breathe, I've learned to acknowledge and let go of distractions, I've learned that it's ok to cry, I've learned to be in the moment, I've learned to let go of "anything that no longer serves me," and most importantly I learned that it is the journey that's important, not the destination. The journey is where the lessons are learned, and where you experience growth. So I want to send a very sincere shout out to you, my amazing instructors and teachers: Jodi, Dana, Beth, Tara, Jen, Jeremiah, Chris, and Suzanne. My life is forever changed from starting this journey and I know you were specifically placed in my life for a reason. I'm so thankful for all of you! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Monday, February 17, 2014


Happy Monday ya'll! It's been awhile (again) since I've blogged. Let's get right down to it shall we… yoga is hard… you know what makes it harder? Doing something to your shoulder. I woke up a few weeks ago and thought maybe I slept on it funny… the pain didn't go away, and got significantly worse. Last Friday I was in class and I did something and OW OW F' ITY OW! I had to leave class early. :( My wonderful instructors Dana and Jen messaged me later that day to check on me, and I realized… yoga is about so much more then poses and bending yourself like a  pretzel. It's about community, helping one another, and sharing your light and energy with everyone around you. I'm not fishing or feeling sorry for myself but the fact that two different people thought enough to check in on me meant so much. If you're reading this thank you Dana and Jen, you guys are the dogs tuxedo! Here's what I learned this week, yoga is as much about what we do off our mats then the poses and the pretzel twisting. Earlier last week I took my sweet Simon back to the vet. I was uber stressed because I had to fill a prescription that was going to be very expensive. It turns out one of the vet techs had a dog that passed from congestive heart failure. She had an (almost) full bottle of his prescription that she was waiting to give to the "right" dog. We were blessed that day and it hit me… pay it forward, help others when you can, and be nice. On a different note, if you haven't already heard it listen to the Kenny Chesney song (with Dave Matthews) "I'm Alive." You won't regret it!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

So many questions….

Hello my lovelies! It's been awhile since I blogged. Life has been kind of busy lately. Yoga has been a challenge. As much as I thought I hadn't, getting out of my routine has really affected me. I don't feel as strong physically and I don't feel as confident as I did. BOO! :( I'm hoping as I get back into routine this will re-reverse.

So, here's my question… it's not really a question but here it goes. My instructors always talk about "your practice." They'll say things like "do this… if it's in your practice." I don't feel like I have a practice. I do yoga, I go to class regularly, but I don't feel like what I'm doing is "mine." I'm doing sequences my instructors put together, when does it become "mine." I'd love to think that I could be at home doing yoga on my own but I wouldn't have the first clue where to start. How do I get there… anyone?