Sunday, January 5, 2014

CA-CAW- Calling all yogis…

 What's better then yoga??? Your yoga instructor walking into class and putting DMB on. Ms. Jodi most definitely did not disappoint today. Class was PACKED. My guess is a lot of people made resolutions to workout more.

I love yoga on Sundays, it sets a great tone for the whole week. I leave and I feel ready to conquer anything the week throws at me.

I tried to get my leg on my thigh during Tree Pose but I did not succeed. I'm going to try later leaning against a wall. I was going to stay after and work on my headstand but by the end of class the motivation to do it left.

I'm on day 5 of no smoking. It hasn't been too hard until now. Today, for some reason, it seems to be getting more difficult. (encouraging words appreciated.)

So yogis out there reading this… question for you. When I'm in pigeon, if I get down really low on my arms it feels like I'm leaning to the side. Is this normal? Is it better to stay on my palms and stay straight? Thanks in advance.

I had an overwhelming thought during class today. I need a "real" yoga person to come up to me and say "I was fat too, keep with it and you'll get where you want to be." I really want to believe that is true, I'm just not there yet. I'm going to get there right? Anyone?

This week I have  3 more classes I'm definitely going to, I'm going to try to go to 1 a day. I need to find a class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I'll keep you posted, and any inlet people reading this, suggestions are appreciated. I've been toying with the idea of trying warm yoga. I'll report back if I go.

I hope ya'll are enjoying your weekend. MUAH!

1 comment:

  1. Ummm hello!!! I am a real yoga person, that is not on the skinny side of the scale, =) Gratz on the non smoking -- keep it up will have your moments where it gets tough, just remember, those moments pass by....whatever you do dont give in.... this is coming from an ex-smoker of 3 years now.... next time you see me, remind me to show a little trick with pigeon...the key is you must have your hips aligned, most of us cant really do that w/out the support of blanket or block under the opposite sides bum area....ill show you what Im talking about. regarding how far you go into it, depends on how open you are.. Baby steps, remember Rome wasnt built in a day. Tell you what, call me the day of the 6pm warm yoga class, is it weds? ill bust outta work fast and meet you up there so we can do it together...on a closing note, the wall is your friend!!! I dont know if you pay attention, but Im always by the wall when it comes to balancing poses....i have zero balance on my left side...nothing to be ashamed of, it just is.....thank you for the great read as on me about this weds class..... =)
