Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Enjoying the quiet……for once.

My life is loud. I live with 3 very loud boys. They are my source of joy, and one of the biggest reasons I smile but they are just so unbelievably loud! I'm sure one day a long, long time from now I'm going to be so sad that my house is quiet. I try so hard to not take any second with them for granted, but some days I just need some quiet. Today is one of those days. My wonderful Husband, Matt has both boys at Masons wrestling practice. He's so great, the house was quiet enough for me to get my schoolwork done just in time to watch American Idol!

Today was a long, busy day. We got some great news about our Sweet Simon, turns out it looks like we have his heart stuff under control. Or getting there anyway.

Now… as for the yoga of it all…. what an amazing yoga day! I'm sure you're not, but Jen if you're reading this… THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

You know when you're at a concert watching someone you absolutely LOVE, and you're taking a video with your phone, and your torn because you want to have the video so bad so you can go back to that moment whenever you want, but you want to be in the moment and enjoy it. That's how I feel sometimes at yoga. My instructors say the most amazing things, and I want to remember them so I can write about them but I get so caught up on my mat, I never remember. I just leave with a feeling that God put the words in my ears that I needed to hear that day. This is the message I got today… "When you're fighting against it, that's your ego." Translation: if you're straining to get into or stay in a pose because you modified, take it back. You'll get there eventually. It doesn't have to be today.YES! My stupid ego needs to take a short walk off a long pier. I'm done fighting against it, in all things. I'll get there eventually, it doesn't have to be today. Maybe one day I'll be able to wrap myself up like a pretzel, but today I can't, and that's ok… because my ego can go f itself!

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