Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I have a secret…

Today I went to my usual Gentle yoga class. We had a substitute instructor. She was awesome! I'm sure she won't see this… but Katie… THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for an amazing class.

As challenging as yesterdays class was, today was the perfect restorative class. I didn't realize it, but I really needed a class like that. It was a lot of stretching, which was needed because I was a tiny (holy crap A LOT) sore after yesterdays class.

After class today I was lucky enough to go visit with a friend of mine who had just had a baby a few weeks ago. It was so nice to sit, relax, drink coffee and have some good girl time. If you're reading this Cara, thank you. I went there straight from yoga, which was at 830 in the morning… time got the better of us and before I knew it, it was after 1pm. When I realized the time, I had a brief moment of panic. The only productive thing I had done all day was make my bed. Then I realized, I was happy, content, and completely at peace. The dishwasher was still full when I got home, all the little projects I had on my to-do list were still there, and I completed all of them. It was so nice to let myself spend the morning doing what made me happy and not feel guilty about it. It was a really nice day. It was a perfect blend of working hard (both at yoga and at home) and taking time for me.

Now here's the big, scary, exciting, terrifying news… tomorrow I'm taking the plunge and going to hot yoga. EEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish me luck my friends, I have a feeling I'm going to need it. (What do you wear to hot yoga anyway?)

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