Sunday, January 26, 2014

Thanks :)

Hey ya'll :) It's been awhile since I wrote. Let me explain… We've had some "bad" weather here in Virginia Beach. "Bad" weather =4 inches of snow. I personally LOVE snow. It's so pretty, and the idea of a snow day is pretty much heaven for me. Hanging around with the people I love, fireplace going, coffee, kids coming in with rosy cheeks, seriously! Does
it get any better? As much as I LOVE snow I don't like to play in it. I just like to look at it's prettyness from my kitchen window while I spend the day baking bread. :) So, because of said snow a bunch of my regular classes were cancelled.  If any of my Philly peeps are reading this right now you're probably laughing your frozen butts off… as for my Maine peeps, you probably aren't reading this because you're buried under a snow bank somewhere. But here in Virginia Beach 4 inches is a big deal. And to defend the great city of Virginia Beach, we got a lot of ice and the roads were slippy slidey for a few days. On top of that...I have been S-I-C-K SICK! So, the first half of the week was shot because of "bad" weather, and the last half I fell victim to the awful virus that's going around. If you have this virus I'm so sorry, it's miserable. I was barely able to lift my head up for two days. BLAH! Anywho… after all that crazy drama I returned to my yoga happy place finally.

So let's talk about yoga shall we? You know how something comes up and you get out of your routine of going to the gym or working out? That didn't happen to me. I couldn't wait to get back on my mat! It felt so amazing to sweat out all the icky germs and stretch my stagnant muscles after 3 loooooong days of practically bed rest.

My last blog I talked a lot about fear, so as you know I'm a scared person. I'm trying not to be but sometimes the fear creeps up on me. (For example, I had an AMAZING experience at a yoga workshop last saturday, but I'm not ready to write about it yet.) Today I want to talk about life. My AMAZING Sunday (and soon to be Tuesday!) instructor Jodi always says at the end of class "this is not a dress rehearsal, you only get one life, live it to it's fullest." Today that really struck a nerve. She's absolutely right! What are we/you waiting for!? What are we/you putting off because you think you have all the time in the world? I thought it was ironic because yesterday my husband randomly asked me "if you died today how would you feel?" I told him I would feel cheated. I had a laundry list of reasons why but the point is, there's too much left to see. I have to see my sons graduate, get married, have babies, the list goes on and on. He told me he feels the opposite of me. That makes sense because he lives his life the way everyone should. He lives everyday to the fullest and doesn't take one minute for granted. So the lesson is this…. tomorrow is not promised. If we're lucky enough to see it, we need to do as much living as we possibly can. Do the things you want to do, try new things, tell people how you feel about them, ignore piles of dishes and laundry to make cookies with your kids, and know when you go to sleep each night that you lived as much as you could in that day. By then you'll be so tired from all that livin' you'll probably have the best night sleep of your life. :) So tonite, as I wind down for a good nights sleep I want to say thank you. Thank you Matt and Jodi for the reminder that this is not a dress rehearsal. I will make a daily decision not to let fear keep me from living life to the fullest.

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