Monday, January 13, 2014

Seeking the truth

Hello my friends! It's been awhile since I blogged. This past week was a little crazy. We had an emergency with our Boston Terrier Simon. The diagnosis is, he's in congestive heart failure. :( He is doing much better but we spent all morning Friday at the vet. He's on a couple different prescriptions and it seems to have done the trick. As cheesy as this sounds, after the sad, scary Friday thinking the worst possible scenario about my sweet Simon, all I wanted to do was have some really good family time. So that's what we did for the rest of the weekend.

I had the last two weeks off of school for winter break. I SWORE I was going to get some work done in those two weeks so I would be a week ahead of schedule. Yeah, procrastination got the best of me. I had three assignments due yesterday and I did two of them yesterday… oops :) Oh well, they got done right!?

Lets get to the yoga. Here's the classes I've been to since my last blog:
Gentle on Thursday morning
Move2Still on Thursday night
                                                      Beginner on Sunday
                                                      Yoga for EveryBody today.

I love each class I go to for different reasons. Each class offers its own benefits and each instructor encourages me in a way that only that specific instructor can. Whether it's with a small encouraging smile, a gentle nudge deeper into a pose, or by letting me know that I've come a long way and to never give up. I was thinking the other day, I used to run fairly regularly. I HATED running while I was doing it, but after I felt amazing. With yoga, I feel amazing during, after, and before. The lessons I'm learning in my classes follow me in my daily life. Yoga lessons can be applied to all things.  I feel stronger, and I feel more secure and comfortable. I catch myself holding myself a little taller, and walking with a purpose. I'm really digging this journey so far. I'm happy being where I am right now and know that I'll get to new places when the time is right. Here's the downside, I'm becoming mildly obsessive. I take six classes in five days. That's a good obsession right?

Here's the question of the day to all my yogis who may be reading this:
I love practicing yoga, but what should I be reading? I find myself craving being able to talk to people about yoga. I want to know EVERYTHING. I've been trying to do some of my own research but it's pretty overwhelming. Any suggestions???? Oh! And here's another question for my yogis out there… are my questions annoying? Tell me the truth, I can take it.

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